اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر – سایت اکبر فارسی سایت کاریابی اکبر برای افغانستان

اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر – سایت اکبر فارسی سایت کاریابی اکبر برای افغانستان

Position Title: Environmental and Agriculture CDF-Job Re Advertisement

Activation Date: 30 January, 2024   Announced Date: 30 January, 2024   Expire Date: 08 February, 2024

اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر – سایت اکبر فارسی سایت کاریابی اکبر برای افغانستان

Job Location: Badakhshan
Nationality: Afghan
Category: Program
Employment Type: Full Time
Salary: 4 A
Vacancy Number: 801/2024
No. Of Jobs: 1
City: Shahr-e Buzrg district of Badakhshan province
Organization: Concern Worldwide- Afghanistan
Years of Experience:  At least 1 or 2 years work experience with NGOs in agriculture, livestock and watershed fields.
Contract Duration: Fixed Term
Gender: Male
Education:  Diploma/degree in Agriculture, Natural Resource Management (NRM), watershed management, veterinary or related fields.
Close date: 2024-02-08

About Concern Worldwide- Afghanistan:

Concern Worldwide is a non-governmental, international, humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries. Concern has been working in Afghanistan since 1998, when it responded to an earthquake disaster in Takhar province. Currently Concern is working in Takhar and Badakhshan provinces undertaking both emergency response and long term developmental work in the areas of agriculture, livelihood security, education and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. Concern is expanding its programming into nutrition this year.

Job Description:

Main duty and Responsivity:

  • Mobilize and support capacity building of farmers.

بسیج و حمایت از ظرفیت سازی دهاقین

  • Training in on-farm livelihoods for men and women on the complete value chain of wheat, pulses, fruit, nuts, dairy, and poultry to increase local production and extend the new agricultural technologies to the target farmers in respect of the legal norms of area.

آموزش  در بخش زنجیره ارزش کامل گندم، حبوبات، میوه، خسته جات، لبنیات و مرغداری به منظور افزایش تولید محلی و گسترش فناوری های نوین زراعتی

  • Support beneficiary selection process and coordinate the target farmers to purchase inputs from the local agro-business traders by voucher schemes systems.

حمایت از روند انتخاب مستفیدین و هماهنگی با دهاقین بمنظور خرید لوازم زراعتی از فروشنده های زراعتی  محلی

  • Support the agriculture officer to execute and train the farmers on local food preservation techniques, and bio-pesticides techniques to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and extend organic IPM methods.

حمایت از آفیسر زراعت برای تدویر آموزش در مورد تکنیک‌های نگهداری مواد غذایی محلی و تکنیک‌های آفت‌کش‌های عضوی برای کاهش استفاده از مواد شیمیایی سمی

  • Promote the adoption of bio-fertilizers among selected farmers to mitigate the use of inorganic fertilizers.

ترویج پذیرش کودهای عضوی در بین کشاورزان برای کاهش استفاده از کودهای کیمیاوی

  • Deliver training of dairy, fruit, and vegetable preservation and postharvest management trainings to the target farmers to increase the value of their agricultural products.

ارائه آموزش های نگهداری لبنیات، میوه و سبزیجات و آموزش مدیریت پس از برداشت به دهاقین  برای افزایش ارزش محصولات زراعتی آنها.

  • Deliver awareness raising about nutrition by Holly Quran curriculum using behavioral change messaging through SHG, WMC members, religious leaders.

اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر – سایت اکبر فارسی سایت کاریابی اکبر برای افغانستان

رشد آگاهی در مورد تغذیه توسط برنامه درسی قرآن کریم با استفاده از پیام تغییر رفتار از طریق گروپ های کمک خودی، و کمیته مدیریت آبریزه و علمای دین

  • Establish Watershed and Natural Resources Management (NRM) committee in target villages to increase capacities of rural communities in sustainable management of watersheds and natural resources.

ایجاد کمیته های مدیریت آبریزه  و منابع طبیعی بمنظور افزایش ظرفیت جوامع روستایی در مدیریت پایدار آبریزه و منابع طبیعی.


  • Train selected beneficiaries on Cash for Work to execute soil and water conservation techniques and ensure respect of protection measures and labors supervisions, through compilation of labor wage documents.

آموزش مستفیدین پول در مقابل کار برای اجرای تکنیک های حفاظت از خاک و آب و اطمینان از رعایت اقدامات حفاظتی و نظارت بر کار.

  • Train selected beneficiaries on Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), to strengthen the community resilience to the impact of climate change.

آموزش مستفیدین  FMNR  برای تقویت انعطاف پذیری جامعه در مقابل تغییرات محیطی.

  • Supervise and mobilize group of labors to engage in soil and water conservation activities in watershed areas.

نظارت و بسیج کارگران برای مشارکت در فعالیت های حفاظت از خاک و آب در ساحات آبریزه.

Monitoring and Reporting:

  • Document best practices in agriculture, livelihood, and watershed management.

مستندسازی بهترین روش های زراعتی، معیشت و آبریزه.

  • Provide accurate data and weekly updates (including photos) to the Environmental and Agriculture officer.

تهیه معلومات و گزارش هفته وار شامل عکس به آفیسر مربوطه.

  • Submit accurate daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly work plans and reports to Environmental and Agriculture officer.

ارائه برنامه ها و گزارش های دقیق روزانه، هفته وار، ماهانه و سه ماهه به مسئول مربوطه.

  • Liaise with Environmental and Agriculture Officer for implementing and monitoring the Agriculture and watershed activities.

کار با مسوول مربوطه برای تطبیق و نظارت بر فعالیت های زراعتی و ساحات آبریزه.

  • Record data for each implemented activities in line with indicator tracking database provided by the MEAL Officer.

ثبت معلومات برای فعالیت های اجرا شده در همکاری با بخش نظارت و ارزیابی.

  • Support M&E team during field assessments.

حمایت از کارمندان بخش نظارت و ارزیابی در بخش نظارت.

CHS & Emergency:

  • Concern is committed to the Common Humanitarian Standards (CHS) to ensure accountability to all stakeholders. Concern activities guided by CHS in all stages both emergency and development projects /programs. In Afghanistan, we have an Accountability framework and therefore any Afghanistan employees are responsible to comply with CHS principles and benchmarks. To give your full support in relation to emergencies when occurring in any area that Concern
  • Afghanistan will give your full support in relation to emergencies when occurring in any area that Concern Afghanistan will respond.

Job Requirements:

Qualification & Experience  

  • Diploma/degree in Agriculture, Natural Resource Management (NRM), watershed management, veterinary or related fields.

لیسانس زراعت، مدیریت منابع طبیعی، مدیریت آبریزه، ویترنری و دیگر بخش های مرتبط

  • At least 1 or 2 years work experience with NGOs in agriculture, livestock and watershed fields.
  • Experience using digital devices such as computers, tablets, telephones and DDG

یک تا دو سال تجربه کاری مرتبط


  • Ability to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders
  • Excellent communication and coordination skills.

Professional Skills, competencies and qualities:

  • Computer skills: Good knowledge of MS Office package, (Word, Excel and Power Point)
  • Fluency in local language and good knowledge of English
  • Strong cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Ability in delivering reports to line manager respecting deadlines
  • Strong writing skills
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with all different staff and stakeholders.

Submission Guideline for اعلان کاریابی جدید سایت اکبر – سایت اکبر فارسی سایت کاریابی اکبر برای افغانستان

Applications should be written in English and demonstrate the applicants suitability for the job. A current Curriculum Vita and three referee’s reports should be included in the application. In the first instance applications should be submitted to Concern World Wide- Afghanistan offices in Taloqan marked to the attention of the Human Resources Department. And / or to any other field offices of Concern in, Faizabad, Yawan, , Kunduz and Kabul (Shari now ,5th Street House 1117 Qala – e – Fatullah) or through this email address: afghanistan.hr@concern.net

Subject line must be: (# 801 2024 Environmental and Agriculture CDF (or your application may not be considered.

Note: The preference will be for local candidates first and they are highly encouraged to apply.

یاد داشت:  ارجحيت نخست به کاندیدان محلی داده میشود و آنها قویآ تشویق میشوند که درخواست نمایند

Closing Date: 8 February 2024

Submission Email:


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